vol. 10, 2023
Tenth Anniversary Volume
Katya Krylova and Siobhan Leddy
Speciesism, Subjectivity, and Becoming-Other in Michel Faber’s Novel Under the Skin
Iana Fishova
(AI)sland Ecologies: Toward New Metaphors and Models of Artificial Intelligence
Rhea Jiang
More-Than-Human Aesthetics: Lessons from Enrichment
Alinta Krauth
Caseta Refractions: Coordinating Natures in Conservation Practice
Fabio Miranda
Narrating Nonhumans: Anthropomorhism and Trans-species Empathy in Our
Planet and Gunda
Zsófia Novák
(Non)Life on the Line: Crisis Calls with Animals
Killian O'Dwyer
Book Reviews
Esther Sánchez-Pardo and Maria Porras Sánchez, eds.: Myth and Environmentalism
Alexandra A. Bichara
Martin Clancy, ed.: Artificial Intelligence and Music Ecosystem
Hussein Boon
Giovanni Aloi, ed.: Estado Vegetal: Performance and Plant-Thinking
Leanne Darnbrough